Welcome to the Diyi for Kids Foundation!
The Diyi for Kids Foundation aims to help shape a world where children, young adults and their families shall not suffer poverty, and be able to develop healthily and live freely… a world where they are treated with dignity and respect. The needs, rights and desires of these people are at the center of all aid projects sponsored by our foundation. We cannot work miracles, but we can contribute to a future with better access to education for many children and young people. This is our heartfelt desire and we are committed to it. We are very pleased that you have chosen to accompany us on this path through your commitment and support! Our foundation is still very young, as it was founded only at the end of 2016. We are continuously investing in promoting the foundation and have only recently launched this new website. Since a full English version also requires an investment, we plan to add that version in 2018. In the interim, the paragraphs below are provided to offer you some important facts about Diyi at a glance:
Every child has a right to education – and that´s our commitment! The goal of Diyi for Kids is to help provide that education — sustainably, directly and concretely. We want to enable children and young people to have the best possible start to their lives through access to education, because these children are our future. We are committed to projects both internationally and regionally in Germany and Switzerland that serve to:
- create and improve the the physical, emotional and financial conditions that are the foundation of good education;
- finance learning facilities and provide adequate learning tools;
- support the training of teachers; and
- promote primary and vocational education and training.
Foundation management
We have deliberately decided to fund our foundation with a renowned external funding partner, the Child Support Organization ‘Plan International’(CSO). Our foundation is managed at the CSO Planning Foundation center in Hamburg. All administrative and financial transactions are carried out through the Foundation Center. In addition, we have partnered with a strong aid organization with direct access to international aid projects.
Tax recognition
The Diyi for Kids Foundation is officially recognized as Non-profit organization by the German financial authorities. Take a look at our foundation certificate by clicking Stiftungsurkunde Diyi for Kids
„The future should not be foreseen, but made possible.“ (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
The Diyi for Kids Foundation primarily supports projects that promote access to education and continuing education of children and adolescents. We are seeking to evaluate several projects to promote, located in both regional and international locations. Once the projects are identified, we will fund one international project through Plan International, and two additional projects in Switzerland and Germany. Our project partners work directly with the people who need help, and we remain in close personal contact with them. They report the successes and progress of the project to us, and document how the donated funds have been used. Please have a look.
Here is the link for our News section where we publish additional articles in English.
Your support counts
Our foundation is still young and so you have a wide range of opportunities to contribute.
Donate money
Project donations
The work of the Diyi for Kids Foundation can be supported by monetary donations. These donations go directly into the projects we have selected. You can find more information about the currently supported projects here.
Long-term growth of our foundation can be made with an endowment. An endowment increases the base capital of the foundation and remains tied to the Foundation. Interest income earned on the endowment funds is allocated to our marketing activities.
Donation receipts
Any donation to the Diyi for Kids Foundation is tax-deductible. Please indicate your name or company, as well as your full address,, so that we may send you an application certificate. We are very keen to keep the Foundation’s administrative costs low, therefore, we request that you provide your e-mail address to us so we may deliver the application certificate to you.
Donate time
Would you like to volunteer? We are happy to accept every helping hand and any ideas you may have to support our active foundation work. Volunteers are needed in a variety of positions, such as for:
- Production of marketing material;
- Creation of an active marketing program to increase the foundation’s publicity;
- Social Media activities;
- Planning of Diyi charity bazaars and other events to raise capital for and awareness of the foundation’s mission
- Volunteering at Diyi events
Donate interest – Spread the word
We are delighted that you have decided to give your time and attention to the Diyi for Kids Foundation and to actively support us. An easy way to support our mission is to tell your family, friends and colleagues about our foundation work. Add us to your digital networks and become a Diyi ambassador.